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Work at Home Mom Schedule + FREE Printable

work at home mom schedule time management printables for a stay at home mom schedule

As a busy mom, it feels like my to-do list gets longer and longer leaving me overwhelmed and disappointed when nothing gets done! Here’s the thing, you WANT to work from home so you can be with your babies. You’re willing to do whatever it takes to work from home, but somehow there just doesn’t seem to be enough time. When you have work to do on your business or around the house, you feel guilty for ignoring the kids and when you put your work off to spend time with the kids you feel guilty for not accomplishing anything during the day. If you’re feeling this way, then you need a work at home mom schedule to help you get organized so you can be intentional with your time.

At Smart Cents Mom our mission is to help you find amazing work that you can do from home, and help you create a schedule that let’s you get the work done while raising your babies! This work at home mom schedule is what I use to get organized in both work life and mom life, and I hope it will help you too.

Time Management for Work at Home Moms

~ This article may contain affiliate links. I only suggest product or services I believe will benefit my readers. All opinions are 100% mine! Read the full privacy policy here ~

Before you can create a schedule, you have to know what you’re doing with your time right now. It’s so easy to jump into a time management routine that you find online, without first looking at what you are currently doing.

Maybe you don’t need to change that much or maybe you need to rearrange your whole day. This first step is the one that most of us skip because it takes time, and we already know that we don’t have enough time!

Start by looking at where you are having frustrations in your day. Where exactly are the break downs happening. Can you find some consistencies?

Here’s what I noticed, my time blocks I had created were mostly working, but it was what I was doing during those time blocks.

For example, during my time to be with my kids I was on my phone just to send a quick message, but not really engaging with the kids. I was totally distracted when they wanted me to play or watch their latest trick. Also, my 2 year old always wants my phone when he sees me on it and it creates conflict. It was so frustrating for both of us!

I realized that when I create those time blocks to be with my kids or working on my business or working around the house I need to be focused on the purpose of that time block.

Here are some other triggers you may notice during your day…

  • when you’re working and the kids start invading your space
  • kids start asking for food because they are hungry
  • the kids naturally walk off and start playing by themselves (This really does happen sometimes! If you notice it happening at the same time everyday then maybe that would be a natural time for you to work while they are happy playing.)
  • lots of crying/fighting…kids are tired or hungry or bored

Use this work at home mom daily schedule template to help you stay on track! 

Work from Home Mom Tips

I picked up these work from home mom tips over the past few years as my business has grown and I’ve needed to invest more time into my work. I have never been a super organized stay at home mom! And sometimes, I feel really bad about that. I have had to learn how to create organization and systems that work for our family. I want to share them with you, especially if you feel like organization is your weakness! If these tips helped me, then I know they can help you too!

#1 Create a Schedule that Fits Your Mom Life

No two moms have the exact same life. Our kids have different needs, we have patience for different things, some of us have kids that take naps, and some of us have kids who are in school, and some of us have kids that are wild! What works to keep my kids busy may not work for your kids, and that’s ok. Don’t let another mom’s schedule get you down. That’s the schedule that works for her. Spend your time finding the schedule that works for you and your family!

#2 Choose 3 Priorities Each Day

You are amazing! You are capable, but you can’t do ALL the things EVERY day. You’re just one person wearing many different hats. So limit yourself to 3 priorities each day. You can accomplish more by setting realistic goals that you can achieve. Research shows that going over 3 priorities spreads you too thin, and means that you are likely to achieve less.

#3 Wake Up 30 Minutes Earlier

I am not a morning person! I love sleeping in and I’m pretty sure that I get my best sleep between 5am and 7am. But I’ve realized that if I wake up 30 minutes earlier I can use that time to accomplish a few little things that help me have a better day. For me that’s journaling, reading my Bible, and getting started on some laundry.

#4 Time Yourself

Find out how long things actually take! When you don’t know how long it takes to do the dishes or fold laundry or write an email, it can feel really overwhelming before you tackle that project. Time yourself to see how long it actually takes. Then you can look for ways to make your task quicker. Also, time yourself when it comes to your business tasks. I always think I can knock something out faster than I actually can when it comes to a business task.

#5 Break Tasks Down into 10 Minute Segments

If you’re a mom with little kids around, you probably don’t have time to work in 30 minute blocks unless the kids are watching TV. When your kids are younger, then they probably won’t sit for that long even for TV. Once you have timed your tasks from step 3 you can break down those tasks into 10 minute chunks. You will get more done if you break down your tasks and do 10 minutes at a time. If you stop for 10 minutes every hour to work on your business during a 10 hour day that would give you a total of 1 hour and 40 minutes to get work done!

#6 Save Big Jobs for Later

Save those big business jobs that require a lot of brain power for times when you don’t have kids with you. There are some things in your job or your business that will require you to work for an hour or more on a project. That’s totally doable for you! Just plan those types of jobs for when the kids are in bed or see if your spouse can take over putting the kids to bed so you can have extra time to work.

#7 Use a Stay at Home Mom Cleaning Schedule

A cleaning schedule can help you feel less overwhelmed with all that you have to do when it comes to your house. I know that I feel so much better when the house is clean and clear of clutter. Use a simple cleaning schedule so that you are doing a few cleaning tasks each day, rather than taking an entire day out of your week to clean the house.

TIPS for Working Moms to Save Time: My Aunt was a busy working mom and she taught me that every time you walk by the laundry room put clothes in the washer, move clothes to the dryer, and then sort the clothes quickly. It makes folding laundry faster when you have time to do it! Sometimes I will take the sorted clothes to the kids’ room and fold there so it gets put up.

#8 Work at Home Mom Style

This may seem like your wasting time, but in my own experience when I wake up, shower, and get ready for the day I always get more done. I will still be dressing in my yoga pants or workout clothes, but just the act of getting dressed for the day helps to get my mind and body moving.

#9 Write Down a To Do List Each Night

One of my favorite things is to write down a to do list, it actually relaxes me! Each night before you go to bed make a list of your top 3 priorities for the next day. When you prepare the night before, you will be ready to tackle your list as soon as you get up! I really think that your subconscious is thinking about those plans as you sleep. I always feel more prepared for my day when I have a written to do list. And there is nothing like the satisfaction of crossing out something from the list when you have finished!

#10  Be Flexible

One of the reasons you wanted to be a work at home mom is so that you can be with your kids. You want to create a life around your family, not around your work. So take time to evaluate what is happening during your day, and if your kids are not following your schedule then you have the freedom to adjust your day to meet the needs of your family.

It’s so important to remember WHY you want to work from home. We can get so busy in our lives doing all the things, that we miss out on the best parts. Laundry isn’t going anywhere…trust me I know. I’ve had piles of laundry on my couch for days! Sometimes things don’t fall into place, and your family eats frozen pizza for dinner 3 times in one week. Remember to focus on your priorities and take advantage of the fact that you work from home.

See how to organize your day at home with these organized mom printables!

Stay at Home Mom Daily Schedule Template

work at home mom schedule and stay at home mom schedule



SmartCents Mom

1 comment

  • would like to receive templates for work at home mom and summer bucket list please.